Showing posts with label Hurt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hurt. Show all posts

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Single Again

There goes that dream
I've had for so long
Of love never ending
Like a beautiful song

Right out of the blue
It came to an end
Got left all alone
Now I'm single again!

Well it's no big thing
Today's a new day
The heartache won't kill me
And I'll be ok

Just give me a minute
Gotta do a reset
I'm hurt - but I've got this!
Don't count me out yet!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

You've Got Me All Wrong

The things you're saying are so unfair
And they're sure not true of me!
Maybe in your mind they somehow are
But I know differently!

You make me sound so terrible!
When that's not the way I am
How can you see me in such a way?
I just don't understand!

I'm not perfect by any means
I've got plenty of mistakes to show
But I'm not as bad as you're making out
I would never stoop that low!

It's really sad and disappointing
How everything has gone
You've got the facts all turned around
And you've got me all wrong!

You Turn So Against Me

I can't hold these feelings
Inside anymore
So I'm telling you now
Though I should have before

It seems I can't please you
No matter how hard I try
No matter how much I give
And I just don't know why!

You turn so against me!
Always putting me down
As if you don't like me
Or want me around

It makes me feel lousy!
And that's all it does
It sure doesn't help me
Or make me feel loved

Yet your love is one thing
That I really need!
Because all problems aside
You mean the whole world to me!

You Really Hurt Me

If I didn't care
As much as I do
I wouldn't be feeling
So down and so blue

You really hurt me!
Though I guess I know
You may not have meant to
I'd like to think so

But I can't just forget
And then push it behind
It has no intentions
Of leaving my mind!

So I wanted to tell you
This hurting won't end
Till everything's right
Between us again!

You Broke My Heart

I can't believe
What's going on
It's like a dream
That's gone all wrong!

You say you love me
Well if that's true
How could you
Have been so cruel?

I don't deserve
What you put out
Cause that is not
What love's about!

It's giving what
You hope to get
Care - respect!

Instead you tear
My world apart
You did me wrong!
You broke my heart! 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Rumor's Not True

When I heard about this
I could hardly believe
That people were saying
These things about me!

It hurts me so much!
And it's real hard to take
Sometimes I feel like
My heart will just break!

But I will get thru it!
I'll be ok
And my only defense
Is simply to say

I don't know where it started
And I don't know by who
But here's what I do know
The rumor's NOT true!

Since You Cheated On Me

I've got one hell of a problem!
My heart is in pieces you see
I can't seem to get it together
Not since you cheated on me!

I really love you - You know that!
The light of my life you have been
But love without trusting is nothing!
So how can I trust you again?

I'm lost and confused in my misery
With memories of all the good times
Mixed with this rage here inside me
I feel like I'm losing my mind!

You know you always could trust me
But I'm wondering - what would you do
If you were the one here in my place
Knowing I'd cheated on you?

Since You And I Broke Up

Lately nothing seems to change
And like any other day
I wake up with this broken heart
That just won't go away

The only things I think about
Since you and I broke up
Is how very much I'm loving you
And long to feel your touch

To feel you holding me again
The way you used to do
To talk and laugh and just be together
Would be a dream come true!

But maybe it's only fairy tales
That have that happy end
In any case I'll be alright
And you know where I am

Friday, May 28, 2021

Shutting Me Out

I don't want to push you
Any further away
But I have a few things
That I need to say

I've been trying to reach you
But you make it so hard!
You've built up a wall
And put up your guard

Shutting me out
And keeping you in
So we can't seem to get
Any closer again

How can I show you
How much that I care
With me over here
And you over there?

If you won't come to me
And you won't let me thru
How in the world
Do I get to you?

Plea Of A Drunkard

I hate that you've seen me at my worst
When I've fallen as low as I could
Too far down and broken to help myself
Back up to the place I once stood

When life wasn't perfect by any means
And goodness knows - neither was I
But I had it together pretty good then
And I walked with my head held up high

I have my excuses and reasons
My demons and heartaches as well
And like everyone - I'm only human
We all have our stories to tell!

So please don't ridicule and judge me
For the unfortunate state I'm in today
Just count all the blessings in your own life
And wish me well as you go on your way

Life Goes On Without You

Without you I thought I'd go crazy!
The misery too much to bear
I felt like the heartache would kill me!
With memories of you everywhere!

But somehow I've pulled it together
And I'm stronger for what I've been thru
A little less bitter - yet wiser
Just doing the best I can do

I think of you more than I'd like to
Love is so damned hard to shake!
But time has a sweet way of healing
When living's been damned hard to take!

I wish you the best - and I mean that!
Though hopes for us never came true
I loved and I lost - but I'm not beat!
Yes - life does go on without you!

Let Me Come In

You say nothing's wrong
That all is ok
Then why - may I ask
Do you push me away?

I'm out in the cold here
Without any clues!
I can't even guess
What's the matter with you!

Is it something I did?
Maybe something I said?
I'm wracking my brain
And it's wrecking my head!

But what hurts the most
Is my poor little heart
All this rejection
Just tears it apart!

I love you so much
This is too hard to take!
So let me come in
Honey! Give me a break!

I Told You The Truth

Of all the experiences
I've had in this life
There's one I can tell you
Just cuts like a knife

To be called a liar
Like you've done to me
Is a total injustice
I can hardly believe!

Take my word or not now
That's up to you
My conscience is quite clear!
I told you the truth!

I Thought You Were My Friend

I've had you on my mind alot
And I wanted you to know
I'm really hurt and disappointed
That you've turned against me so

If there's a problem - why not tell me?
I'd listen - you know that!
Instead you've gone and shut me out
And talked behind my back!

For you I've been there all the way
At least I've tried to be
And I got it in my head somehow
That you'd be there for me

I always thought that you and I
Could get thru thick and thin
No matter how - no matter what
I thought you were my friend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Can't You See Me?

Rushing here and rushing there
Seems you're needed everywhere
Responsibilities you can't ignore
And no matter what - there's always more

Your time flies by - so much to give
Every day that's how it is
"Bye - I love you - have to go!"
Familiar words I've come to know

Well - I love you too - very much!
And I need your time - I need your touch
It's so hard for me to understand
Can't you see me? Here I am!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bullied - To Rise Above

I see it clearly within your eyes
And in your smile half there
You don't feel loved, not truly so
And you're not so sure who cares

All those hurtful, belittling words
Directed so often at you
Have sadly become your reality
And in your mind perhaps they are true

You hear them so often, they've worn your heart down
To a place where it's too dark to see
That you deserve love, respect and kindness
You do!! Just take it from me!

You're not stupid or ugly or dumb
Or any of those negative things!
You're awesome, unique and beautiful too
And someday you will find your wings!

These are the words that you must believe in
For the strength to rise on above
To realize the person who you really are
And to know that indeed you are loved!